Chicken Necks

Chicken Necks

$3.00 /lb.
Avg. 2 lb.

Looking for a great (and economical) way to make bone broth, with a bit more meat flavor? Also a great raw treat for your dogs.

Making broth with necks alone or with any saved bones from your freezer is a great way to add flavor, collagen, minerals, and all while eating "nose to tail". Use the whole pack, or thaw and refreeze extras for another day.

These chickens lived their best life rotated outside on pasture, eating bugs and grass, supplemented with locally-sourced, certified organic feed. We do more than just let the chickens outside. We move them daily to fresh pasture, helping to build our soils and keep the chickens healthy.

Restocking will happen several times during the warm season. Make sure to join our newsletter for the most up to date info.